

The article presents the results of a qualitative analysis of circuits of autonomous current and voltage inverters with cut-off valves; the influence of the charge value of the switching capacitor in parallel and series equivalent circuits on the restoration of the switching properties of the thyristors of the inverter power circuit is studied. It is shown that due to the energy periodically accumulated in the inductive elements of the load, the voltage on the switching capacitor in the cut-off state is greater than in a conventional parallel autonomous current inverter. This circumstance ensures an increase in the switching stability of the inverter and therefore the circuit of an autonomous current inverter with cut-off valves is operational in valve converters for variable-frequency electric drives and remains operational during sudden load surges and short circuits, since the voltage value on the switching capacitor does not depend on the load voltage value those. the charge on the switching capacitor is maintained even when the load voltage sharply decreases between switching the thyristors of the power circuit.

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