

Strict environmental and health regulations, as well as the cost-effectiveness of wastewater treatment processes, have made control technology an important priority in the wastewater treatment industry. Control strategies operate on input variables (setpoint values) by choosing the values they should take to influence the evolution of state variables so that output variables (controllable variables) achieve desired values. The object is a pumping unit used in wastewater treatment technology, and its mathematical model is a set of structures reflecting the characteristics of the simulated processes. The main parameters in mathematical models are temperature and vibration level during pump operation, coordinates of the point where the characteristics of wastewater components are determined, process indicators at this point (process speed, temperature, pressure), process duration, etc. The article analyzes the reasons for the increase in vibration and temperature of the pumping unit, and also discusses the importance of automated protection against excessive vibration and increased temperature of the pumping unit used in wastewater treatment plants. Vibration and temperature sensors were installed to monitor and analyze vibration and temperature indicators in the pump unit, schematic and functional diagrams of the control device were developed, algorithms for the operation of the sensors were created, and the possibility of transmitting data via the Internet was shown.

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