This article comprehensively examines the physical-mechanical and chemical properties of saline soils and their changes under the influence of moisture, as well as the impact of these changes on the foundations of buildings and structures. The study analyzes the variation of salinity levels over time due to prolonged water exposure and its effects on the stability and safety of structures, highlighting critical issues observed in regions of our country where saline soils are prevalent. Based on engineering-geological and hydrogeological research, solutions to minimize the consequences of salinity, determine soil deformation and strength characteristics, and ensure the safety of structures are proposed. Additionally, the article explores advanced global practices in the use of saline soils, the efficiency of modern technologies, and innovative approaches, providing scientifically grounded recommendations for the stable operation of buildings and structures in such areas.
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Recommended Citation
Kауumоv, Аbdubaki Djalilovich; Kаmbаrоv, Murad; Zafarov, Olmos; Muradov, Zukhriddin; and Ro‘ziyev, Islom Ilhom ugli
Technical science and innovation: Vol. 2024:
4, Article 6.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59048/2181-1180.1649
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