

Currently, the hydrocarbon extraction industry is one of the most high-tech and rapidly developing sectors globally. The primary priority of this industry is to improve the technical and economic indicators of drilling and well operation. A particularly pressing issue is reducing well waterlogging and effectively isolating water flows, which contributes to optimizing hydrocarbon resource development. The introduction of modern equipment into production processes increases the demand for hydrocarbon resources, further complicating the challenges faced by the industry. This article highlights the relevance of applying innovative technologies to address well complications. Specifically, a new technology for isolating water flows and eliminating waterlogging in wells using specialized containers is presented. This technology ensures the delivery of plugging materials directly to the problematic zones of wells, minimizing the need for additional tools and equipment.

The article examines the possibility of eliminating dependence on tubing systems by using a logging cable. A newly developed container design enables the efficient delivery of plugging mixtures to waterlogged areas of the well. This solution significantly reduces the time required to resolve well complications and enhances the efficiency of production processes. The innovative approach underlying this technology ensures ecological safety during hydrocarbon extraction and reduces economic costs.

This article is of practical interest to engineers, geologists, and oil industry professionals, offering new approaches to resource extraction. Furthermore, the innovative methods for delivering plugging materials form the basis for integrated solutions rooted in advanced technologies.

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