The article presents the results of research on the analysis of the state of the electric power system of the Republic of Uzbekistan, taking into account the operating modes of hydraulic and thermal power plants with the study of the sharp-peak nature of the electric load in the winter and summer periods of the year and the problems of covering daily load schedules due to a lack of maneuverable capacities. The use of pumped storage power plants is proposed to cover and smooth daily load schedules across months and seasons. The necessity of utilizing the capacity of pumped storage power plants to regulate peak loads and dips in the power system's load schedule is substantiated. For this purpose, the operational modes of the Tuyamuyun hydro complex were studied, and possible options for utilizing its hydropower potential with the application of pumped storage power plants were proposed. Also, a methodology and program for determining the technical and economic parameters of PSPP have been developed, and the main technical and economic parameters of pumped storage power plants for various operating modes of the Tuyamuyun hydroelectric complex have been determined.
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Recommended Citation
Dzhuraev, Kurbon Salikhdjanovich; Abduaziz uulu, Abdurauf; and Shadibekova, Fotima Tulkunovna
Technical science and innovation: Vol. 2024:
4, Article 10.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59048/2181-1180.1660
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