

In this article, the processes of metal complex synthesis are studied in detail. Zinc OEDF+NTF complexation reactions were carried out in the presence of polyhydric alcohols, ethylene glycol, glycerol, and citric acid. For the first time, the synergistic efficiency of a mixture of zinc OEDF+NTF complexes with methyldiethanolamine, used as an inhibitor of mineral salt accumulation, was studied. It was found that when selecting the components in equivalent amounts, the inhibition efficiency of the composition is at least 90%. The high efficiency of inhibiting mineral salt accumulation in the composition is due to the presence of methyldiethanolamine, alkylimidazoline, and their functional derivatives in its composition, as well as the production technology of the OB-MTTI series preparation. The resulting compositions are recommended for use in water supply systems of public utilities, mining and metallurgy, and oil-producing and processing industries as inhibitors of mineral salt accumulation.

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