The article proposes the and principle of operation of a universal primary measuring transducer of humidity at an ultra-high frequency with reciprocating motion along the vertical axis of rotation, which allows increasing the information redundancy of the primary measuring transducer (the influence of inhomogeneities, including humidity in the composition of the material, on the measurement result is averaged). The design of the primary measuring transducer under consideration provides for correction of the moisture measurement result by the mass (density) of the material, which will make it possible to carry out measurements without preliminary weighing the sample. The obtained results of experimental studies for cotton fiber using the moisture meter under consideration indicate a high degree of agreement between the approximating dependence and experimental data in all cases.
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Recommended Citation
Usmonova, Hulkar Asadullayevna and Turgunbayev, Asadulla
Technical science and innovation: Vol. 2024:
3, Article 8.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59048/2181-1180.1606
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