

The process of the second harmonic generation of short phase-modulated laser pulses in nonlinear photonic crystals has been studied numerically. It is shown that the optimal length of a nonlinear photonic crystal at which maximum efficiency is achieved depends on the intensity of the main radiation and the value of the pulse phase modulation parameter. It is revealed that phase modulation reduces the efficiency of the process. However, at the same time, the pulse of the second harmonic experiences compression. It is shown that the effects of self-action in the presence of phase modulation of the exciting pulse leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the second harmonic several times. It was found that with an increase in the intensity of a subpicosecond pulse, the effects of self-action compensate for the effect of phase modulation of the pulse, which leads to an increase in the maximum intensity of the second harmonic radiation. The results obtained can be used to develop efficient generators of ultrashort laser pulses.

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