

The article presents experimental results of the catalytic hydroisomerization of aromatic hydrocarbons into alkyl naphthenic hydrocarbons. Aluminum col-molybdenum with silicon oxides has been studied as a catalytic system, which imparts acidic properties to the catalytic system and stimulates isomerization.

The dehydrogenation reaction of cyclohexane has been studied, which occurs on the active surface of one of the metal oxides to cyclohexene, then the resulting cycloolefin diffuses to the acidic active center - aluminosilicate, where skeletal isomerization occurs and then the isomerized cycloolefin again returns to the active center of the surface of the catalytic system, where it is hydrogenated to saturated hydrocarbon.

The influences of temperature, pressure, and the rate of transmission of raw materials through a stationary layer of the catalytic system into the reactors were studied. The optimal parameters for the catalytic transformations of benzene into methylcyclopentane have been determined: starting at 325°C, with increasing temperature the content of five-membered naphthene increases and the content of cyclohescane decreases.

By clarifying the influence of pressure, it was determined that the hydroisomerization reaction with increasing pressure first increases to a maximum and at a value of 8.0 Mn/m2 decreases and at higher pressures the maximum formation of cyclohexane and methylcyclohexane is observed and it was found that the amount of decomposition products (pentane and hexane) in the catalyzate at all parameters are insignificant, i.e. does not exceed 0.5% mass.

For the first time, a comprehensive comprehensive study was carried out on the synthesis with specified physicochemical and operational parameters in the form of a new catalytic system obtained with a specified stabilization of activity by introducing technological changes and additives both into the raw materials and into the composition of the catalyst.

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