

Food drying is a widely used preservation method aimed at reducing water content to extend shelf life, decrease weight, and enhance storage efficiency. This process, particularly in garlic, involves rapid initial moisture loss followed by a slower phase due to the increasing difficulty of extracting residual water. Drying methods include natural solar drying and advanced mechanical techniques such as hot air and vacuum drying, each influencing product quality, drying efficiency, and economic feasibility. Dehydrated garlic exhibits specific sensory, physico-chemical, and microbiological characteristics, making it suitable for various applications, including powder production. Advanced drying equipment optimizes air volume, temperature, and material handling, enhancing efficiency and hygiene. Studies show that natural convection drying is faster and more cost-effective than forced convection under certain conditions. This highlights the potential for sustainable garlic dehydration while maintaining quality and nutritional value. fully translate uzbek language in scientific.

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