

It has been established that compaction is one of the most important technological processes carried out during the construction of automobile roads. At the same time, an analysis of the schemes and views on the use of compaction machines consisting of working bodies of various shapes is given. It has been established that the importance of rheological models in the study and research of the physical essence of the process of interaction of the roller with the soil is very great. For this reason, it is explained that it is important to analyze the processes occurring in the roller body, the roller itself and in the compaction zones, using one or another type of modeling. In turn, it was believed that this contributes to the study and research of the rheological aspects of the process of compaction of the soil of the road base, which acts as a foundation on a solid foundation. The article substantiates the parameters of the rheological model used in the study of the technological working process of interaction of the working body and the soil of the rollers during compaction of the road base. When analyzing the process, data related to the assessment of the indicators of its contact stress were studied. In particular, a rheological model scheme was developed for studying the method of compaction of the soil of the subgrade by rollers. In this case, the process was studied using the system “roller- reel -soil” and expressions were given on this basis.

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