

This article presents the results of a comprehensive analysis of the operation of pumping station drives in the southern part of the Angren coal mine of Uzbekugol JSC. The modes of operation and designs of pumps of various types are considered, including СPSH 850-240, D320-50, D1200-125 and GR170-30. The study covers the performance characteristics of these pumps, as well as their adaptation to the specific conditions of the coal mine. Special attention is paid to the impact of climate change on the operating modes of pumping units. Changes in the amount and intensity of precipitation, as well as fluctuations in the level of groundwater and drainage waters, significantly impact the operating conditions of pumping stations. These factors require detailed analysis to ensure the reliability and efficiency of pumping plants in a changing climate. The study includes an analysis of the current pump operating modes, identification of problems and shortcomings in existing drive systems, as well as the development of recommendations for their improvement. In particular, the possibility of introducing new technologies and materials, as well as adapting pump operating modes to changing hydrological conditions, is being considered. In addition, the article presents the results of modeling various scenarios of pumping station operation under changing climatic conditions. The proposed optimization measures include improving the structural elements of pumps, increasing their energy efficiency and reliability, and introducing automatic control and regulation of operating modes. The study's main purpose is to develop recommendations for improving the stability and efficiency of pumping stations at the Angren coal mine in a changing climate. The presented results and conclusions can be useful for specialists in the field of operation and maintenance of pumping units, as well as for developers of new technologies in the field of hydraulic systems.

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