The article presents algorithms for the synthesis of an optimal control system for dynamic objects. As a model, we consider a differential equation of a continuous one-dimensional system in the form of a state space, which has the properties of controllability and observability. The paper shows the need to use an observation device in order to assess how the properties of the controlled system change with the slightest change in the parameters of the control object, to assess the sensitivity of the system to these changes. When finding a solution to the equation formulated to find the parameters of the control law, computational difficulties arise due to the fact that the system of equations is, as a rule, ill-conditioned. Considering the ill-posedness of the problem under consideration, regular procedures were used. The above algorithms make it possible to synthesize a stable control system with an optimal feedback gain.
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Husan, Igamberdiyev; Mamirov, Uktam Farkhodovich; and Zebiniso, Xankeldiyeva
Technical science and innovation: Vol. 2024:
2, Article 9.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59048/2181-1180.1587
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