The article discusses scientific research on the integrated assessment of the problem of ensuring the sustainability of buildings and structures for industrial and civil purposes. The relevance is due to the development of various zoning methods to establish territories with reliable results on the spread of special soils. Especially in cases where swelling clays are common in the territory, characterized by high sensitivity to weather and climatic conditions. Based on the above, the purpose of engineering and geological zoning of the areas of distribution of Eocene clays of Northern Tamdytau was to identify areas of new construction, to ensure the safe operation of buildings and linear structures (pipelines, roads and railways). Engineering-geological zoning is not only the separation and description of conditions, but also the allocation of various geological elements in difficult geological conditions, differing in morphology, depth, composition and properties with different formation history. This is all, ultimately, a taxonomic systematization with qualitative, quantitative characteristics and assessment of engineering and geological conditions. The schematic map of engineering and geological zoning compiled by the authors makes it possible to determine the progressive anthropogenic impact on the geological environment of the territory of Northern Tamdytau, associated with further activation of the processes of clay swelling, cracking, shrinkage, etc. Their negative impact on buildings, as we have repeatedly noted, is the stronger the closer the swelling clays lie to the surface. The clarified basic engineering-geological and seismic properties of Eocene clays and the scheme of engineering-geological zoning compiled according to them make it possible to significantly reduce the time, volume of engineering-geological surveys and design developments and are the engineering-geological basis of seismic micro-zoning.
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Recommended Citation
Zakirov, Mirabbas Mirsaatovich; Agzamova, Inobat Abduvaxidovna; Begimkulov, Dilshod Kalandarovich; Ochilov, Golibjon Ernazar ogli; Khudoyberdiyev, Temur Makhmarajabovich; and Madiyarov, Dastan Jamal uli
Technical science and innovation: Vol. 2024:
2, Article 7.
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