

Central Asian seismologists show high magnitudes of potential future earthquakes (8 and higher), which corresponds to a probable level of macroseismic intensity of 9 or more points. Considering that zones with a high level of seismic hazard coincide with densely populated areas, as well as taking into account the seismic vulnerability of existing buildings, it can be stated that in Each existing level of seismic risk is very high and the consequences of future earthquakes can be catastrophic.

In recent years, large-scale comprehensive measures have been implemented in the Republic of Uzbekistan to develop the fields of seismology, ensure earthquake resistance of structures and seismic safety, as well as radically improve the efficiency of facilities in economic sectors. In order to ensure seismology, seismic resistance of structures and seismic safety, Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 144 "On measures to further improve the seismic safety system of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was issued on 30.05. 2022

Natural hazards include natural phenomena that pose an immediate threat to human life and health, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, avalanches, mudslides, landslides, rockfalls, floods, storms, tsunamis, tropical cyclones, tornadoes, lightning, fogs, cosmic radiation, cosmic bodies and many other phenomena.

Various disasters arising from strong earthquakes and tectonic movement of Earth's plates, which have recently occurred in foreign countries, require acceleration of work to ensure seismic safety in the country, the introduction of modern approaches in this area.

This article discusses: the relationship between natural hazards, forecasting problems based on the seismic entropy method, the calculation of the lesion in earthquakes, as well as emergency protection measures.

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