The influence of the properties of Angren brown on the process of layered gasification was studied. The dependence of the calorific value of the resulting gas on the quality characteristics of coal when using air as a gasifying agent has been established. Methods are shown for increasing the calorific value of gas obtained during the gasification process when using coal with different moisture content and different fractional composition. The features of technological processes in the reaction zones of a laboratory gas generator have been studied. Based on generally accepted methods, the volume fractions of flammable components, as well as the non-flammable part of the generator gas, were determined. The slag formation temperature for Angren brown coal was experimentally determined. The qualitative characteristics of the resulting generator gas were compared with the gas from the underground gasification of coal of Yerostigaz JSC.
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Kavkatbekov, Murodjon Mamitbekovich and Babakhodzhaev, Rakhimzhan Pachekhanovich
Technical science and innovation: Vol. 2024:
2, Article 3.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59048/2181-1180.1559
Available at: