The article describes in detail the development of a combined pre-sowing machine as a result of the literature analysis of the scientific research conducted on pre-sowing tillage machines and its use and working process. In addition, the article provides scientifically based information about the factors affecting the leveler-softener and previous work on their improvement. The current state of tillage before planting in Uzbekistan and the size of the tilled fields are studied and tabulated. In order to optimize the parameters of the developed machine and minimize costs, as well as to increase its efficiency, it is devoted to the creation of an informational model of the leveler-softener, which is considered as a research object of the machine, and to justify its parameters. On the basis of the studied and analyzed data, the factors affecting it and their areas of change in order to achieve the target function are presented in the tables based on the data studied in detail from previous scientific works. On the basis of the conducted studies, the factors that have the greatest impact on energy efficiency were determined and it was concluded that the theoretical and experimental part of the scientific research work should be continued based on them.
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Recommended Citation
Sadriddinov, Azmuddin; Abdazimov, Anvar; Mavlanov, Faxraddin; and Rakhimov, Hursand Madrakhim ugli
Technical science and innovation: Vol. 2024:
2, Article 15.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59048/2181-1180.1579
Available at: