

The article discusses the processes of transportation and storage of sheet glass in the production of protective glass for cars. The experience of organizing the transportation and storage of glass in developed countries of the world was analyzed in order to study the problems of losses of raw materials during the transportation and storage of laminated glass, as well as to develop and approve a regulatory and technical document. in this field. The supplies of various brands of polished laminated glass used in the production of protective glass for cars to Avtooina LLC from different addresses, from different manufacturers were studied, and statistical data were analyzed. As part of the business contract concluded between Avtooyna LLC and the Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov for the development of technical requirements and regulatory and technical documents for the transportation and storage of polished laminated glass, Avtooyna Limited Liability Company produced safety glass for cars of different brands and of varying quality. A regulatory technical document on losses due to breakage during transportation and storage of polished laminated glass has been developed and recommendations have been given. During testing, factors influencing breakage during transportation and storage of polished laminated glass were identified, and measures to reduce their harmful effects were developed and implemented in the process of producing safety glass.

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