This article explores the benefits of transitioning from traditional agricultural irrigation systems to more cost-effective alternatives powered by renewable energy sources. By integrating solar photovoltaic technology into irrigation processes, significant reductions in resource wastage, estimated at 45-50%, are achievable through the implementation of drip irrigation techniques. This results in enhanced agricultural productivity. Moreover, the utilization of solar panels in green zones mitigates surface temperature increases, contributing to a 2-5% boost in electricity production. Currently, irrigation facilities primarily rely on the main energy grid. However, transitioning to renewable energy sources decreases reliance on non-renewable fuels, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and fosters ecological improvements. Photoelectric stations offer an eco-friendly and economical electricity source, enhancing the Republic's power system. Gridconnected photovoltaic plants alleviate strain on the grid and fully satisfy the energy demands of irrigation pumps. Design analyses of a solar photovoltaic plant were conducted utilizing the PVsyst program to ascertain its capacity to power pumping stations and determine solar energy potential
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Recommended Citation
Uroqov, Akbarxon Sarvar o'g'li; Nosirov, Faxriddin Jaylovovich; Arzikulov, G'olibjon Pardayevich; and Sayfutdinova, Zarina Amriddin qizi
Technical science and innovation: Vol. 2024:
1, Article 8.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59048/2181-1180.1554
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