The article analyses the ore-generating role of the focal structure during the formation of apogranitoid tungsten mineralization at the Yakhton deposit. The Yakhton ore field, within which apogranitoid tungsten mineralization has been identified, is confined to a deep focal structure, expressed by polychronic magmatism with a combination in the area of rocks of granitoid, lamprophyre and alkali-basaltoid complexes, as well as fluid-explosive breccias. The structure is confined to a tectonic node, expressed by the intersection of faults in the northwestern, meridional and northeastern directions. These faults predetermined large shear movements and flexural bending of the overall plicative structure, as a result of which a chamber space for the intrusion was created. In the Yakhton intrusion, dikes formed at the end of the formation of the entire complex. Recognition of the reality of this deep focal structure can explain such fundamental features of magmatism as the area of development, its high intensity, discreteness, the presence of locally manifested fluid-explosive breccias and other petrographic-geochemical features (decipher).
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Jurayev, Mekhroj Nurillaevich; Almordonov, Abdulla Rovilovich; and Mukhammadiev, Bayramali Uygunovich
Technical science and innovation: Vol. 2024:
1, Article 6.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59048/2181-1180.1556
Available at: