In this article we will talk about the problems of water resources in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The problem of drinking water supply, solutions to provide drinking water to the population of Uzbekistan. The largest consumers of fresh water in Uzbekistan are farmers. Due to outdated infrastructure, 40% of water is wasted. Rising food prices and the risk of spreading disease are the first signs of water shortages that we may experience in the coming еars. Uzbekcosmos told how to solve the problem. Water is an invaluable resource used not only in the home, but also in the production and processing of food products. But the intensity of its exploitation is growing every day. Studying with close attention the ideas reflected in the report, one can be personally convinced of the extremely simple and understandable way of reflecting large-scale and complex problems in the form of theses, deep elaboration and study of the material, purely pragmatic specificity of the given proposals, easy to remember and ready for perception in international politics
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Recommended Citation
Raximov, Rustam Muxammatdjanovich
Technical science and innovation: Vol. 2024:
1, Article 4.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59048/2181-1180.1550
Available at:
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