The findings of research conducted on the saw gin’s accelerator in its raw chamber are displayed at different belt drive eccentricity values, both in the absence of load and with technological load. It has been discovered that, in a steady-state scenario without a load, the maximum torque value increases as the eccentricity of the system’s tension roller increases in a technological load scenario, the torque minimum is noted at an eccentricity of e = 3 mm. When conducting experiments under load, the average angular velocity fluctuation amplitude and the coefficient of unevenness of rotation have minimum values at zero eccentricity and rise as eccentricity increases. The followings are determined: the raw roller’s moment of resistance under load on the shaft; the relationship between the gin’s productivity and the moment of technological resistance, patterns of changes in the accelerator shaft’s angular velocity and linear accelerations, the impact of variable speed conditions on the raw roller, and the raw roller’s pressure on the working chamber walls based on the eccentricity of the tension roller. It has been found that the range of force variations on the working chamber wall, the coefficient of uneven normal pressure, and the average density of the raw roller all increase with increasing roller eccentricity. The patterns of alternating rotation’s influence on the kinematic and dynamic parameters of the accelerator shaft and raw roller were made evident by the produced graphs. A description of the experimental methods is given. Both the calculation of a two-mass dynamic system and the field of saw fiber separation can benefit from the experimental results.
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Recommended Citation
Axmedjanov, Yusuf Abbasovich
Technical science and innovation: Vol. 2024:
1, Article 12.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59048/2181-1180.1551
Available at: