

This article explores the applicability of diverse sensor types—such as optical, magnetic incremental encoder and potentiometric sensors—for controlling the turning angle of tractor steering wheels, specifically addressing the control challenges faced by semi-mounted cotton pickers. The discussion encompasses fundamental principles, operational aspects, advantages, and limitations of turning angle sensors prevalent in the industry. Emphasizing advancements in sensor technology, the article recommends sensor options for controlling the steering wheel's turning angle, crucial for enhanced maneuverability and operational efficiency of semi-mounted cotton pickers. Various sensor types, including optical and magnetic encoders and potentiometers, are evaluated for their suitability in this context. Optical encoders, for instance, are detailed regarding their ability to convert rotational movements into digital signals and their classification into incremental and absolute types. The merits and limitations of each sensor type—such as the narrow control range of incremental encoders and the advantages of absolute encoders—are systematically analyzed. Furthermore, the potential use of magnetic encoders, based on the Hall effect, is explored, highlighting their reliability and suitability for controlling rotation speeds. The article concludes by recommending sensor options based on their effectiveness in converting turning angles into electrical signals, offering insights into optimal choices for controlling the tractor's steering wheel angle in cotton pickers.

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