This article presents the AutoCAD Civil of the area where a nuclear power plant is planned to be built. in a programme A 3D model has been created . AutoCAD Civil in article The program is considered a universal program for performing work in the field of geodesy, topography, general plans, as well as the design and reconstruction of linear objects (roads, railways, utility networks). The main feature of the program in this work is a dynamic design model, which allows you to quickly and without errors make changes to the project at any design stage and in any model image. For this purpose, importance is attached to issues of carrying out various geodetic surveys in the area where NPP construction is planned, processing the obtained results in special programs and creating a 3D model. During the implementation of these geodetic measurements, the data obtained using modern GNSS devices were visualized and cartographically modeled on the basis of GAT technologies.
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Recommended Citation
Abduazizov, Аbduvali A.; Allanazarov, Olimjon Raxmonovich; Pardaboyev, Anvarjon Pardaboy ugli; Qoraboyev, Xusnidin Abdushukurovich; and Qoraboyev, Kamolliddin Аbdishukurovich
Technical science and innovation: Vol. 2023:
4, Article 2.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59048/2181-1180.1510
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