The article analyzes types of vegetable oils. Simple methods of determining their quality using liquid gas chromatography have been developed. Recommendations for improving the classification of foreign economic activity based on commodity nomenclature were developed and recommended for customs operations. “Fats and oils of animal, vegetable or microbiological origin and products of their breakdown; prepared edible fats; waxes of animal or vegetable origin” was called. Animal fats, including pork, beef, sheep, goat, fish and oils of animals such as marine mammals are classified according to the Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activities of the Republic of Uzbekistan in commodity headings 1501-1506 in group 15 of the department, and vegetable oils in commodity headings 1507-1515 in group 15 of the department. Also, fat products obtained as a result of mixtures and modifications of vegetable oils and animal fats (edible fat-oil mixtures, margarine) are classified in item 1517.
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Recommended Citation
Karimkulov, Kurbankul Mavlankulovych Profesor and Abdurahmanova, Azoda
Technical science and innovation: Vol. 2023:
4, Article 16.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59048/2181-1180.1523
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