

Vegetable raw materials, as an object of drying, are characterized by a large amount of water and a low content of dry substances. Vegetable raw materials have a capillary-porous structure. Food products contain both bound and free moisture at the same time. The removal of moisture from the material during drying depends on the total moisture content and the form of connection of moisture with the material. Adsorption and osmotic - bound moisture is retained at the interface of colloidal particles with the environment. Food products contain both bound and free moisture at the same time. The quantitative ratio between them depends on the nature of the product. But even in one product, this ratio can change during grinding, adding additives, heat treatment, and so on. The energy expended to remove 1 kg/mol of water from the wet material depends on the temperature and relative humidity of the air. The higher the temperature and relative humidity of the air, the greater the binding energy of moisture.

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