The paper evaluates the influence of technological process parameters, namely die temperature and pressure force, on the quality of foil stamping, which is one of the types of finishing having a wide range of applications due to giving unique decorative and protective elements to printed products. When evaluating the influence of process parameters on the linearity and coverability of the image, it was found that the pressure force has less influence on the result than the temperature. According to the data of the study, it can be concluded that the maximum percentage of completeness of covering is achieved at a die temperature of 1200 C and pressure force of 13±1MPa. Consequently, it can be concluded that the optimal embossing parameters for specific conditions of the technological process have been determined to achieve a qualitative result.
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Babakhanova, Khalima Abishevna; Khasanova, Mukhlisa Ergashevna; Soadatov, Aziz Azimjonovich; and Sadriddinova, Nigora Junaydullaevna
Technical science and innovation: Vol. 2023:
4, Article 1.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59048/2181-1180.1529
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