

The article examines the flow process of zinc cakes, which is formed during the selective melting of zinc burns, and the factors influencing it. The effects of silica and calcium oxide on the combustion of coke added to the Welting process were analyzed. When the kinetic kinetics of zinc ferrites and silicates present in zinc cakes are studied, the addition of lime to the strategy promotes the thermodynamic recovery of zinc and reduces graphite consumption.The article also examines the temperature dependence of the rate of reduction reactions of zinc silicate and zinc oxides. Studies of the kinetics of coal-thermal reduction of zinc ferrite have shown that the average rate of metal stripping is eight times higher than when removing pure zinc oxide at 1100 ° C. The addition of 5% CaCO3 increases the rate of zinc stripping by 1.26 times at 1050 °C, and by 1.13 times at 1100 ° C. In the presence of CaCO3, the degree of sintering of the reduced ferrite decreases, which is partially associated with a reduction in the reduction of iron to metal. With the thermal contraction of zinc ferrite without the addition of CaCO3 at 1050 ° C for 5 min, the degree of iron reduction to the metallic phase was 28.9%, at 1100 ° C in 5 min 42.8%, and with the addition of CaCO3 20.9 and 38.2%, respectively. The addition of calcium oxide to the shaft during the welting process leads to the destruction of zinc silicate bonds. This, in turn, increases the concentration of zinc in the weight.

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