In the mountainous and foothill areas of the republic in spring and late autumn, heavy rains and floods cause landslides on the slopes, landslides as a result of coagulation of most of the land. At the same time, careless grazing of livestock on the slopes, felling of trees in the foothills, as a result of strong floods, the water flow on the slopes flows downhill, washing away all the debris, rocks and sand, endangering the movement of passenger and freight trains. . This article aims to protect against the above-mentioned situations, to ensure the safety of transport facilities. At the same time, there is a discussion of natural disasters in the country and their impact on the economy. In particular, the lines of railway transport passing through mountainous and foothill areas and the stations built there, power transmission devices and all devices that organize the movement of trains, traffic lights, electric lights, tunnels, bridges and similar railway buildings and structures, as well as economic enterprises, mountains. proposals and comments on protection of settlements located on the slopes from floods and landslides
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Recommended Citation
Abduazimov, Shavkat Х.; Razikov, Ravshan S.; and Kurbanov, Gani A.
Technical science and innovation: Vol. 2021:
3, Article 6.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.51346/tstu-01.21.3-77-0134
Available at:
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