One of the main properties of paper affecting the quality of reproduction is porosity, which depends on many factors, such as properties of raw materials, casting mode. From this point of view it is important to have ideas about the influence of paper composition on their porous structure and it is important to know the dependencies affecting the formation of the porous structure of paper during their manufacture. Papers based on cellulose pulp from the inner layer of mulberry bark were used as an object of study and lint cotton cellulose papers were taken for comparison. In the paper to investigate the porosity of paper in which the composition of cellulose pulp from the inner layer of the bark of mulberry tree twigs, its sorption properties were studied. The structure of a paper sheet contributes to excessive or "selective" absorption of ink into the pores of the paper and thus predetermines the quality of reproduction in the printing process. A large number of experimental methods are now known to determine the porous structure of disperse materials. To investigate the physical structure of paper sheet we studied the sorption of water vapour in a high-vacuum sorption apparatus with mercury seals and McBean quartz scales. On the basis of sorption isotherms having S-shape it was determined that high sorption properties have paper sample where in the composition cellulose mass from the inner layer of mulberry tree bark is present, which indicates the presence of disordered amorphous areas where accessibility to water molecules is higher. The porous structure is characterized by such parameters as the specific total volume of pores, the specific surface area of the porous system, which are determined by means of modern measurement tools and computer technology. It was found that in order to obtain a paper whose structure ensured the selective absorption of low molecular weight liquid, it is desirable to change the composition or casting regime.
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Sadriddinov, A; Galimova, Z; Ismoilov, I; Babaxanova, X; and Mixaleva, M
Technical science and innovation: Vol. 2021:
3, Article 3.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59048/2181-1180.1337
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