

This paper deals with the issues of atomic spectroscopy of multiphoton ionization of alkaline earth atoms. The cycle of researches, which substantially complements the modern understanding of the physical essence of processes, is described. The analysis and generalization of the obtained experimental and available theoretical materials are carried out, and studies on the influence of the correlation of valence electrons on the process of multiphoton ionization of alkaline earth atoms are presented in detail. The appearance of intense intercombination transitions coincides in n with a sharp change in the magnitude of the quantum defect. Since an abrupt change in the magnitude of the quantum defect of a state is caused by the perturbing action of an extraneous level from another configuration, therefore, the appearance of intercombination transitions is due to the effect of the interaction of configurations. The results of experiments and their interpretation are given, namely:

- the efficiency of excitation of forbidden intercombination transitions and allowed transitions;

- the behavior of alkaline earth atoms within the L-S bond and the classification of the energy levels of these atoms;

-collective effects in atoms and molecules and detection of the phenomenon of violation of the dipole approximation.

The results of an experimental study of the intermediate region of the spectrum of the Ca atom provide information on the relative probability of spin-forbidden transitions and its dependence on the principal quantum number of the excited state.

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