One of the main properties of ion exchangers is their exchange capacity. Static exchange capacity of the new phosphorus acid cationic exchange resins obtained by phospholysis of polymer based on cube waste of the Shurtan gas chemical complex and a secondary product of hydrolysis industry - furfural was determined by alkalometric titration using 0.1 N solution of NaOH and NaCl, capacity by phosphorus content in ionite and capacity by curves of potentiometric titration. The values of exchange capacity found by the above methods are almost indistinguishable from each other. The cationite belongs to moderately acidic ions, the found values of pK (apparent dissociation constants) indicate that the cationite has two functional groups that allow it to work in neutral, weakly alcaline and alkaline environments. The paper also found the dynamic capacity of cationite for 0.1 N CaCl2 solution. The studies showed that the tested phosphoric acid cationite has good static and dynamic capacitance.
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Recommended Citation
Makhmudov, Khasan; Egamberdiyeva, M; Yuldashev, A; Tursunov, T; Nazirova, R; Turabjanov, S DSc; and Kedelbaev, B
Technical science and innovation: Vol. 2021:
3, Article 1.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59048/2181-1180.1314
Available at: