

Reliable operation of the rolling stock and devices of railway transport is the basis for ensuring the throughput and transport capacity of railways, as well as safety.The article is dedicated to the current day of the topical topic: increasing the reliability and analyzing the causes of brake equipment failures in locomotives in the conditions of JSC "Uzbekistan Temir Yollari".On the rolling stock of railways of JSC "Uzbeksiton Temir Yullari" five types of brakes are used: parking (manual), pneumatic, electro-pneumatic, electric (dynamic and reversible), magnetic-rail and are used as additional to EPT.The article presents an analysis of the causes of failures in the brake equipment of the rolling stock of the railways of Uzbekistan. It was shown that the main reasons for the withdrawal from operation of brake pads is their wear, including scuffing of the friction surfaces, malfunction of the air distributor, brake line, brake cylinders and linkage. Premature removal of the wells occurs due to loss in the process of exploitation of their geometric parameters; "Sliding" from the rolling surface of the bandage and wedge-shaped wear.

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