

At present, it remains relevant to protect the environment around the world, to prevent the deterioration of ecology, to ensure the health of people, to reduce the amount of exhaust gases emitted into the atmosphere in the preservation of the animal world. Currently, in solving these pressing problems, instead of cars with internal combustion engines, which are used in the automotive industry, energy-efficient electric cars that meet the modern demand, produce less exhaust gases to the environment, work without noise, have a high level of manageability, traction and braking dynamics, stability, safety and comfortability. During the use of these electric vehicles, some disadvantages are noticeable. These disadvantages include disadvantages such as the fact that the battery power decreases rapidly over time, the battery usage time is short, the battery power failure during long trips, the inability to recharge, the long battery demand during support, the presence of side consumption and the upper part of the electric motor tank. In this article, we have developed the structure of the internal electric vehicle support system to address the shortcomings mentioned above. The advantages of the new design type are reduced internal power, unlimited travel distance, self-charging, easy maintenance, high maneuverability, modernity, low cost, small quantity and low cost of spare parts. Safety and no emissions of exhaust gases into the environment.

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