

The article discusses the development of organomineral materials for the protection of metal parts of technological machines and structures operating mainly under the influence of an electrochemical environment. A technology has been developed for producing modified organomineral materials for anticorrosive coatings using micro- and nanosized particles of layered silicates (mineral fillers). The mechanism of the formation of nanocomposites using layered silicates and organic materials for anti-corrosion coatings formed by the activation-heliotechnological method is investigated. Using thermomechanical, physical and physico-chemical methods for studying the structure and properties of the materials obtained. Among these methods are: IR spectral analysis, scanning electron microscopy, thermogravimetry, as well as methods for determining the electrophysical and mechanical properties. And the improvement of the properties of organomineral protective coatings due to the formation of nanocomplex compounds in the interfacial layers of the binder-filler is proved

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20 . ГОСТ Р58284-2018 Obщie trebovaniya k zaщite ot korrozii.

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