

The article reviewed the certification and quality control of the technological process for the production of vegetable oil. There is a procedure for packaging, quality control of products, determination of quality indicators and quality control of finished products. The procedure for using refined cottonseed oil and its varieties, the requirements for placement and storage of vegetable oils, as specified in the regulatory documents, the quality control of vegetable oils and other solutions for cottonseed oil are provided. The gas analyzer shows a solution for measuring the amount of solution by painting the tubes of a mixture of gas and air in oil. Detailed information on the production of vegetable oils, the cost of raw materials, the level of fat content of cotton seeds and the methods used to produce oil from cotton seeds. Methods for certification of vegetable oils, types of quality control, methods of testing and quality determination are presented. It was shown that the procedure for refined production of cottonseed oils and their types, as well as the state of the product classification of products based on the method of producing vegetable oils for consumer purposes, analysis of the sequence of refined oils and refining processes.

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