

The article discusses the issues of finding the main indicators of the quality of the communication channel in computer networks when transmitting priority and non-priority data at different frame lengths. To solve this problem, methods of the theory of queuing using Petri nets are proposed. The proposed method for calculating the temporal and probabilistic characteristics of computer networks allows determinining the main indicators of the quality of the channel in a stationary mode when transmitting priority and non-priority data of computing tools at various values of the input stream intensity. To simulate the transmission of priority and non-priority frames, a color temporary Petri net is proposed. An algorithm is proposed for determining the basic parameters of information transfer, based on the use of the Little formula and allowing one to determine the number of frames in a queue, the average time a frame has been in a queue, and other distinctive features of the algorithm include the use of the window mode. The proposed technique allows to reduce the loss of priority frames of trajectory information and ensuring their transmission in real time.

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