

The main agrotechnical requirements for cultivators working between rows are as follows: uniform of rows loosening between rows (stability of depth of loosening), complete destruction of weeds in spacings and rows, absence of damage to cultivated plants in rows and falling asleep with their soil (keeping the width of the protective zone). The highest quality of work will be if the trace of the last to the row of the working body copies the line of the row. The article presents a model for processing information when performing a cultivator technological process, presents the results of the probabilistic characteristics of the processes in the functioning models of cultivating aggregates.Based on the results obtained during experiments with a cultivator model, the hypothesis is confirmed or refuted. If this is confirmed, an acceptable value for the width of the protection zone is presented. Therefore, based on these studies, it is possible to determine the width of the protective zone by inter-tilling of row crops.

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