

This article provides the influence of the active, inductive capacitive load on the static stability of synchronous generators and compiled the angular characteristics of the generator power at various loads. When a resistive load is connected, an intermediate power extraction of Pr (δ) occurs. It can be defined as the difference Rg (δ) – Ph (δ) = Pr (δ), depending on the angle δ. The presence of this selection leads to an increase in the ultimate in static stability generator power. However, this reduces the possibility of transmitting power to the receiving system. Therefore, we can talk about the ambiguous (positive or negative) effect of the intermediate active load on the static stability of the generator of a single-machine power system. The reactors are connected tightly or through switches at the end points of power transmission lines with a length of over 300 km to prevent over voltages during switching to compensate for the excess reactive power generated by power lines. Capacitor batteries (CB) are sometimes installed and connected at intermediate points of power lines in order to maintain normal voltage levels when transmitting high power fluxes. It should be noted that the conclusions regarding the effect of shunt reactors and capacitor banks on static stability apply to complex power systems.

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