

Influence of the nature of the grind is considered In article on mechanical characteristic of the paper on base cotton with different percent accompaniment of the wheat cellulose. The Known that process of the milling of the paper mass is conducted solely big importance in creation the most varied characteristic paper sheet. Depending on the duration of the grinding, the nature of the degree of grinding and the properties of the paper change. For example, with a low (cage) degree of grinding the pulp, it is predominantly chopped fibers above the surface fibrillation, resulting in a loose and porous sheet structure. To obtain a dense, closed and strong sheet structure, a high degree of grinding of the mass (greasy mass) is necessary, ensuring the predominance of fibrillated fibers with a well-developed surface. Studies have established that the duration of milling of pulp from coniferous species of wood with sulfate bleached ennobled at 150 minutes achieves a degree of grinding of 60 ShR ° C, then 10 minutes are enough for straw sulfate bleached. It Is Installed that for reception of the paper with accompaniment of the wheat cellulose with mechanical toughness, being up to quality standard, sufficient degree of the grind 40 0 ShR and does not follow to use the thick concentration of the mass. The Studies of the influence composite composition on toughness of the paper has revealled that under 10% before 20% accompaniment of the wheat cellulose is provided stability of importances, the most further accompaniment promotes the reception of the porous paper.

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