

The article discusses the results of studying the material composition and the development of technology for processing gold-bearing sulfide ore samples. The material composition of the ore samples was studied by spectral, chemical, assay and rational analysis of gold and silver. Based on a study of the material composition of the ore samples, the following conclusions were made: gold and silver are the industry's most valuable components. It is shown that the use of sulfuric acid treatment of a cinder of graviofloraf concentrate can allow to improve the technological performance of the process. As a result of the mixture of gravio-flotation concentrate after sulfuric acid treatment drying, grinding to a size of 95% CL. -0,074+0 mm and subjected to sorption cyanidation. In the initial cake, the content of gold -77.83 u. e. and silver-16.3 u. e., the concentration of sodium cyanide 0.15%, the ratio W:t=2:1; resin AM-2B-5% of the pulp volume, the duration of cyanidation 36 hours.the Content in the tailings of cyanidation of gold - 6.5 u. e., and silver - 4.8 u. e. the Extraction of noble metals in solution and on the resin was 91.65 and 70.55%, respectively. Through extraction of 87.63% gold and 55.6% silver from ore.

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