

Systems with pulse-width modulation are essentially non-linear automatic control systems. The complexity factors of pulse-width systems include multivariable, the multirate nature of the pulse-width modulators work, and the nonstationarity of control objects. Such systems have been known for a long time and are now widely used. Various exact and approximate methods have been proposed for the analysis and synthesis of PWM systems. The field of the practical application of known methods is limited to single-variable systems because classical approaches provide for the consideration of the initial structures as a whole. Hence, the root cause of the fundamental difficulties arising in the study of such systems.This article proposes a decompositional method for modelling and studying multivariable pulse-width automatic control systems based on the dynamic graph models. One of the key factor when create the one approach for mathematical formulation, analysis and synthesis of discrete dynamic systems is the maximum consideration of general physical special features in terms of these systems. The general fundamental singularity of systems concerned is the natural decomposition (structure discretization) on simple subsystems or structural states of Si. In the multivariable pulse-width systems, the model of each separate or cross channel is a single-variable impulse system graph. Decomposition into processes in separate and cross channels allows to change the parameters of certain channels and to carry out interval correction of dynamic processes occurring in transmission channels. This method can be used for analysis and synthesis of both single-variable and multivariable systems.

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