

The article discusses the results of an experimental study of the primary processing of silkworm cocoons. In the laboratory of the department of Tashkent State Technical University a full-scale test was carried out for the primary processing of silkworm cocoons. Experimental work was carried out to pacify and dry the living cocoons of the silkworm of the duragay cultivar “MusaffoTola” grown during the summer season. Studies were carried out to determine parameters such as temperature and time of the primary processing of the silkworm in 5-fold repetition.The initial moisture content of live silkworm cocoons was 36–40%. According to the results of laboratory - experimental work, the appearance of mold was observed in 25-30% of processed cocoons of the silkworm, at 55-60 °C in 10 days a butterfly formed in 15-20% of the cocoons. The processed cocoons of the silkworm at a temperature of 75-85 °C deteriorated due to the release of liquid.It was revealed during observations that silkworm cocoons processed in the temperature range 65-70 °С using vibration waves were euthanized within 30 minutes and the cocoons were dried to 10-12% humidity within 10 days at a temperature of 38-42 °С. The use of elastic waves in the processing of cocoons proceeded 5-10% lower compared to the processing method using vibrational waves.

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