

In article results of realization оn the COMPUTER of mathematical model of the developed design of the frictional mechanism of the converter of the movement with the operated communication in a zone of contact with use of external physical fields (in particular, electrorheological effect) which is one of the effective principles of precision vibromechanics are considered. For engineering applications, with use of the Maple 13 software product regularities of change of key parameters of mechanical system are defined, studied and analyzed.

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7. Karimov K.A., Akhmedov A.Kh. Prospects for the development of theoretical foundations and designs of controlled precision mechanisms based on rheological effects. “Applied problems of mathematics”, “Applied problems of mathematics”. // Materials of the XXIII International scientific and technical conference. Sevastopol (Russia), 2015, pp. 91-94.

8. Karimov K.A., Akhmedov A.Kh. Prospects for the use of rheological fluids in order to increase the efficiency of controlled mechanisms of precision engineering. // Collection of scientific articles of the International Scientific Conference “Innovation-2016.” - Tashkent, October 26-27, 2016, pp. 31-33.

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