

This article presents the results of an analytical study of the process of loosening and cleaning raw cotton from small debris by pileging working bodies of purifiers, on the basis of which directions for further research were chosen to optimize the parameters of the developed pile drum with spherical piles and rubber strips. Cotton entering production contains impurities. The processes of loosening and cleaning the fiber shreds are key in the initial stages of ginning, as they prepare the raw cotton for ginning and directly affect the reliability, productivity of these processes and the quality of the resulting fiber. Weed impurities are divided into large and small. Weed impurities larger than 8 mm are classified as large debris. Weed impurities are located, as a rule, on the surface of the structural particles of raw cotton, and inside the lobules and flakes, having weak varying degrees of adhesion to the fiber. The efficiency of cleaning raw cotton from impurities largely depends on its qualitative characteristics: the selected cotton variety, humidity, industrial grade, fiber length, residence time of impurities in raw cotton, th e nature of the litter and other indicators. Drum cleaners are used to separate small impurities from raw cotton.

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