

Currently, much attention is paid to the issue of energy efficiency of gas processing enterprises. The continuous growth of world prices for energy resources requires constant improvement of the management system, providing the most optimal conditions for the flow of technological processes. A conceptual model of the heat-mass transfer process occurring in the absorber as an object of research has been developed, which characterizes the relationship of the variables involved in the drying process of natural gas, control, measurable and immeasurable, as well as controlled parameters have been selected, which are used to develop and study a mathematical model of the controlled drying process of natural gas in the absorber. The developed mathematical models make it possible to predict the behavior and control of a technological unit under various modes of its operation. A system of multi-mode control of the natural gas drying process is proposed, which ensures the maintenance of the specified parameters of the drained gas in wide changes in technological parameters such as pressure, temperature and flow.

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