

In this article, the process laws and technological aspects of the process of sintering the zinc-containing waste of a zinc plant with technical sulfur are considered. Zinc cake is obtained during the sulfuric acid leaching of calcined zinc ores and contains about 20% zinc and additional metals such as indium, cadmium, lead and copper. Copper cakes are somewhat difficult to work with because they contain ferrites and silicates belonging to acid-resistant spinels. Since the chemical and mineralogical composition of zinc production cakes consists of complex oxides, finding ways to process them is one of the actual topics of zinc metallurgy. For example, the majority of zinc and iron in zinc cake is in the form of zinc ferrite (ZnO·Fe2O3), a compound insoluble in mineral acids and is not attracted to magnets. Therefore, finding a way to process zinc cakes so that zinc ferrite separates into zinc and iron compounds is one of the important tasks for metallurgical scientists. When the composition of zinc factory cakes was chemically analyzed, the amount of iron in it was 19.4%. In this study, based on the chemical composition of zinc and iron, quantitative analysis revealed that zinc and iron in raw materials are in the form of zinc ferrite compound. Based on this material composition, a method of converting iron into a magnetic form by recovering trivalent iron oxide from zinc ferrite in the presence of technical sulfur was proposed, and the conditions of the process flow were studied. The mechanism of chemical phenomena occurring in the interaction regions of zinc ferrite and technical sulfur has been developed

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