

The article considers the problems of utilization of industrial gases formed in the production of copper and ore containing sulfur anhydrides. Currently, the composition of process gases entering the gas purification department is approximately 6-7% SO2, 0.2-0.3% SO3 and other gases, until sulfuric acid is obtained from these gases, the sulfate is treated in a counter-scheme with 8% sulfate acid. The aim is to first reduce the temperature of the exhaust gases and second to avoid flying components such as as As, F, Se. As a result of the studies, the amount of SO2 in the composition of the released process gases on the territory of the workshop was recognized as ineffective for the production of sulfuric acid. A number of scientific studies have been carried out on the production of other types of products, including the prevention of the release of harmful gases into the environment. At the same time, in order to fully utilize industrial gases containing sulfurous anhydrides, a method of absorption in a thin suspension was proposed, process kinetics and thermodynamic capabilities were studied. The results of thermodynamic calculations showed that among the chemical reactions taking place in the gas and solution systems, it was found that the reaction of sulfate acid for exposure to calcium carbonate was the slowest (limiting) stage for the general process and an optimal temperature of 60 ° C for the process was established.

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