

Considered the questions of solving the problem of optimization of cargo traffic management in the railway transport throughout the logistics chain, organizing the formation and implementation of cargo loading plans that do not allow exceeding the maximum and reduce the minimum levels of availability of a particular cargo on the destination road. And also the article justifies the solution of the problem of finding the maximum flow in the railway network, it is noted that in any transport network the maximum flow is equal to the minimum capacity. If the flow is maximal, then there is a section whose transmission capacity is equal to the cardinality of the flow and this theorem is proved by applying the Ford-Falkerson algorithm. The solution to the problem of finding the maximum flow in a railway network is based on Ford-Falkerson: in any transport network, the maximum flow is equal to the minimum capacity. If the flow is maximal, then there is a section whose transmission capacity is equal to the power of the stream. This theorem is proved by applying the Ford-Falkerson algorithm. According to this algorithm, starting with some initial incomplete flow, it is possible to obtain the total flow by the iterative algorithm if we add the minimum of the numbers, to the different values of the flows of the path, which are computed from this ways. After such an operation, the path contains at least one unsaturated arc. If you do the same way with other paths, then, in the end, we get the full stream.

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