

The article examines the history of the tectonic development of the southeastern part of the Turan Plate and the Beshkent-Kashkadarya foothill depression, which have been studied and discussed by many researchers. The history of the tectonic development of the research area is relatively complete since the Pre-Jurassic deposits. The pre-Jurassic deposits on the territory of the Amu Darya syneclise are confined mainly to the Khiva and Zaunguz grabens, delimited by the Central Amu Darya ridge.

At the end of the Oligocene, tectonic activity increased sharply within the Turanian Plate, which included the research area. It flowed more intensively both from the northeast and to its southeast. Here and further to the east, the post-platform Tianshan orogen appeared on the plate. Within the greater part of the Chardzhou and Bukhara stages, a part of the Turan Plate continued to develop.

The foothill deflection is superimposed on a part of the Turanian plate involved in the deflection. It is relatively strongly divided into separate blocks characterized by a structure peculiar only to them, the capacities of the Cenozoic molasses and even sections of the Jurassic terrigenous formation.

In general, the foothill depression can be considered as a megablock, which in the southwest and northwest smoothly merges with the Turan plate, and in the northeast gradually articulates with the uplifting part of the orogen, the depression developed in the southeastern parts, previously manifested here by the Bukhara and Chardzhou stages.

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